Recital Program (Part 1)
Today we have a really great group of performers from very young to “young at heart”, both from Melbourne as well as other countries, as far away as China and Greece.
Let’s talk about today’s program. Over the next 90 minutes, we’ll have 22 performances, ranging in style from classical to new age. We’ll have some others apart from piano performance as well.

1. Nocturne (by Kieran Ooi & Grace Newstead)
Kieran Ooi and I will be playing “Nocturne”. Kieran will be performing the violin while I will do the piano accompaniment. Nocturne, is a new age song composed by Rolf Løvland whose celtic music has inspired me a lot. It is one of the most famous songs from the band - Secret Garden. This song is famous as Norway’s winning song in the annual Eurovision back in 1995.
2. The Chimes (by Alex Fang)
Alex Fang is our youngest performer of today, who will be playing the classic “Chimes” song. You may recognize the notes from this song, as it sounds of clock chime in old buildings, such as Big Ben or your doorbell. The purpose was to announce the time every quarter hour, and as an interesting note, the melody is derived from a composition by Baroque composer George Frideric Handel.
3. A Mellow Melody (by Emmanuel Kim)
Emmanuel Kim, not only enjoys playing piano to his siblings, but also enjoys playing golf and swimming. Today he will be performing “A Mellow Melody”. You may have listened to the country singer Charlie Rich’s version. But Emmanuel will do a different take on the classic.
4. Mary Had A Little Lamb (by Sebastian French)
Sebastian French loves animals and singing while playing the piano. Also, he loves creating lyrics for songs that he plays. Today, he will be performing “Mary Had A Little Lamb” which he made
several lyrics versions for.
5. Old MacDonald (by Isla French)
Like her brother Sebastian, Isla French also loves animals a lot. She has the biggest animal toy collection that I’ve ever seen from interactive toy kitties to unicorns. Moreover, she has real chickens and blueberry plants in her garden. Today she will be performing a well-known song which is also called “Old MacDonald Had A Farm”.
6. Princess Waltz (by Cecilia Chen)
Cecilia Chen will be performing “Princess Waltz”. The waltz, is a ballroom dance in triple time that performed by a couple, who as a pair turn elegantly around and around on the dance floor. This genre of dance started in 16th century in Europe. Today, Cecilia will take us back to a time inspired by those royal balls.
7. Once Upon A Time (by Marcus Luk)
Marcus Luk will be performing “Once Upon A Time”. He loves to use his imagination and always comes up with fascinating stories. Today, he will tell us a story through this song, just like what he did in the hospital to the patients & medical staff.
8. Bugles (by Selena Zheng)
Selena Zheng will perform a song called “Bugles”. The bugle is a simple brass instrument which is used mainly in the military and Boy Scouts, where the bugle call is used to indicate the daily routines of camp. Today, let Selena be our captain to give us our marching orders.
9. Melody Of The Night #8 (by Winnie Zheng)
Many of you not only appreciate the sound of music, but also the beauty of paintings. Thus, some of you might know that “Melody Of The Night” is one of Leonid Afremov oil paintings. Today, Winnie Zheng is going to perform a contemporary song of “Melody Of The Night #8” which has been used in many movies or television dramas.
10. Futureworld (by Sam Nikpey)
Sam Nikpey will be performing a song called “Futureworld”. With just a little help of my arrangement, Sam composed this unique piece with a spirit of adventure. Also, he enjoys playing songs by ear as well as learning through the piano sheets. Let our next generation give us an idea of what a future world will be like.
Grace Newstead is a qualified piano teacher based in South Yarra,tutoring in English, Cantonese or Mandarin. To get in touch please click
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